Maryland offers "The New Directions Waiver" as a means of self-directing state and federal Medicaid dollars for individuals who qualify for supports due to their disability.

This offers the disabled individual the opportunity to use those dollars to best meet their own unique needs. However, it comes with the responsibility to create a plan, a budget, and find your own resources to make the plan a reality.

No centralized source of resources exists. The purpose of this blog is to direct others to resources in our communities and to provide one example of a self-directed plan. (*Caution: The self-directed plan described at the beginning of this blog is for an individual with a 5/5 needs rating, the highest possible rating in Maryland, and therefore the highest budget possible. Most will have a lower rating and a lower budget to work with.) It is also to share firsthand knowledge of experiences that may assist others who self-direct services.

Comments are welcome. Please share your knowledge with others.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Kids Enjoy Exercise Now- KEEN

What is Keen?

KEEN is a national, nonprofit volunteer-led organization that provides one-to-one recreational opportunities for children and young adults with developmental and physical disabilities at no cost to their families and caregivers. KEEN's mission is to foster the self-esteem, confidence, skills and talents of its athletes through non-competitive activities, allowing young people facing even the most significant challenges to meet their individual goals.

Copy and paste this URL to visit the home page for KEEN's website.


Under Programs, KEEN has this to say:


At the beginning of each KEEN session, all athletes and their coaches warm up as a large group and then pursue individual activities that are tailored solely to the needs of the athlete. Our core program, “KEEN Sports” takes place in a gym with a variety of sports equipment available. Athletes and coaches may throw a basketball or kick a soccer ball, or they may take a walk around an outdoor track. Many athletes love to bounce on our large therapy balls, and others enjoy speeding across the floor on our 4-wheeled scooter boards.

In addition to KEEN Sports, affiliates may offer other programs including KEEN Swim, which brings the KEEN formula to the pool, KEEN Tennis, KEEN Bowling, KEEN Fit, and even KEEN Music. Such diverse activities as Tai-Kwan-Do and Yoga have been adapted to fit KEEN’s approach. Check with your local affiliate to see what programs are offered in your area.

Each session ends with “Prouds.” Everyone comes together in a circle and shares with the group what they did that day that made them very Proud. Participants literally go out dancing to such great tunes as the Hokey-Pokey or the Macarena. Athletes burn energy, meet and interact with new volunteers, see old friends, and then rejoin their parents, who have had some precious respite time. At the end of the session, it’s hard to tell who has had more fun – the athletes or their coaches.

KEEN now has programs in the following 8 cities:
KEEN Greater DC
KEEN Chicago
KEEN Kansas City
KEEN St. Louis
KEEN Los Angeles
KEEN San Francisco
KEEN New York
KEEN Phoenix

Access Ministry- What is it?

I love this page for people of any and all faiths, because it not only describes the programs available to support disabled individuals and their families, but it also explains how to start an access ministry within whatever religious community you may belong to. Again, this is not my church, but so far it is the only Church I know of that makes such a effort to include and support people affected by disabilities. If you know of another such program, please comment on this post and share the information.

To see all of the programs and the guidelines for starting an access ministry within your own religious community, copy and paste this URL

Here is the introduction from the Welcome page to Access Ministry:

"HomeAccessWelcome to Access MinistryWelcome to Access Ministry

Welcome to Access Ministry
Welcome to Access Ministry
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Access Ministry Programs
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Upcoming at Access
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Access Program Contacts
Welcome to Access Ministry
Welcome! We are so thrilled you are visiting Access Ministry’s website. Whether you are a new family, potential volunteer, or church leader, it is our hope you will connect, learn, and be encouraged by what you see and read on our website.

Access Ministry is the "disability ministry" of McLean Bible Church. While the word "disability" is used, we prefer to think of Access as a ministry of "possibilities" not defined by what can’t be done but rather by what all individuals regardless of ability level can achieve in God’s house. We believe in Access to God for all His people and celebrate our uniqueness and differences. It is our hope to develop all people into fully-devoted followers of Christ, integrated into the church.

Access Ministry has a holistic approach to care for individuals with disabilities and their families by providing spiritual, physical, and emotional care. We accomplish this through an incredibly passionate staff and core group of volunteers with servant hearts. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me.

Here to Serve,

Jackie Mills-Fernald
Director, Access Ministry

Access Home
Friendship Club
Beautiful Blessings
Support for Parents
Accessibility Summit
Soaring Over Seven Summer Camp
How to Start a Disability Ministry"

Special Needs Support at a Local Church

I posted earlier about Jill's House, a respite program that was created by the McLean Bible Church in Fairfax County, Virginia (USA). I mentioned that I am not a member of this church, but they offer some great support systems for disabled people and their families. I have copied this page from their website to make you aware of other programs that they offer, beyond Jill's House. I hope other churches copy this model or are inspired by it. The URL to visit the website directly is http://www.mbctysons.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=84062

Choose a Location

HomeAccessFriendship ClubThe Friendship Club
Friendship Club
The Friendship Club
Upcoming Club Events
How to Serve
Missions Development
The Friendship Club
The Friendship Club is a vibrant, growing community for teens 16+ and adults with developmental disabilities, meeting at the Tysons campus. Participants and volunteers have an opportunity to connect on Saturday evenings at 6:30 pm, or Sunday mornings at 9:00 am and 10:45 am in Room 3000 and at 12:30 pm in Room 3400. The weekend Friendship Class includes lessons supported by the Special Education Curriculum, snack or lunch, games, and fellowship. Participants desiring to worship together may join other Club members in the Edge Worship Service on Sundays at 10:45 am.

In addition to weekend services, members of the Club plan and engage in monthly socials and service projects. Visit the Club's Upcoming Events page to check out where the Club members will be sighted next in the DC area!

Men’s Mentoring
This program fosters a time for the young men of the Club and screened mature men of MBC to have "guy time" in social settings. When possible, Club candidates are matched with mentors for the purpose of building character and fun.

Soul Sisters
This program is for ladies ages 16+ with developmental delays and is designed for a group setting, not one-on-one support. The ladies connect with screened, godly women of MBC for "girl time", which includes laughter, relaxation, and social activities. The program meets approximately every six weeks. Click here for details on our next event.

** A brief "personal profile" of information and permission slips are necessary to participate in programming. To find out how to receive this information and to join this community, contact Fran Smith, Adult Services Coordinator, at 703-770-4393.

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer with The Friendship Club on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or one-time-event basis, contact Mary Hasson, 703-770-8654.